Archive for the ‘Nursery Rhymes’ Category

Nursery Rhyme – Dickery Dickery Dare with lyrics

Dickery Dickery Dare.
The pig flew up in the air!
The man in brown soon brought him down,
Dickery Dickery Dare

Nursery Rhymes – Cock A Doodle Doo with Lyrics

Cock A Doodle Doo!
My Dame has lost her shoe,
My Master’s lost his fiddling stick,
And doesn’t know what to do

Betty Bought Some Batter Butter- Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics

Betty bought some batter butter,
But she found the butter bitter;
So she bought some better butter,
To make the bitter batter better.

Nursery Rhymes-Blow wind blow with lyrics

Blow, wind, blow! And go ,mill, go!
That the miller may grind his corn;
That the baker may take it,
And into bread make it,
And bring us a loaf in the morning.

Nursery Rhymes Bits of Paper with Lyrics

Bits of paper,
Bits of paper;
Lying on the floor,
Lying on the floor;

Makes the place untidy,
Makes the place untidy;
Pick them up,
Pick them up.

Roses are red Nursery Rhyme with lyrics

The rose is red,
the violet’s blue,
The sugar is sweet,
and so are you!

Nusery Rhymes-Cocks Crow with Lyrics

Cocks crow in the morning,
To tell us to rise.
And he who rise late,
Will never be wise.

For early to bed,
And early to rise.
Is the way to be healthy,
And wealthy and wise.

I am a Baby -Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics

I am only a baby
As you can see;
I can laugh – Ha! Ha! Ha!
I can cry – Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
I know so did you,
When you were a baby too.

Six little ducks – Nursery Rhyme with lyrics

Six little ducks that i once knew,
Fat ones skinny ones fair ones too
but the one little duck
with the feather on his back
he led the others
with a quack quack quack
quack quack quack

A Tisket A Tasket – Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics

A tisket , a tasket,
A green and yellow basket.
I wrote a letter to my love,
But on the way I dropped it.
I dropped it, I dropped it,
And on the way I dropped it.
A little boy picked it up,
And put it in his pocket.







